
Jinyuan Holding Group Jinyuan【SZ000546】
Jinyuan Holding Group

Core: trust, tolerance, sharing

Because of the emergence of the partnership system, common goals and mutual interests tightly bind various departments, employees, and projects. Under the partnership system, how to unite employees and the enterprise is ultimately about trust, tolerance, and sharing, like brothers. This is the core of partnership culture.

Partnership culture refers to the fact that partners must follow common beliefs and behavioral guidelines when working together for a long time.

1. Improve internal work efficiency, reduce costs, and achieve value added;

2. Cultivate the team spirit and sense of ownership of employees, forming a huge cohesion and centripetal force;

3. Establish a good social image, obtain good reputation capital, increase the influence of the enterprise, and promote the long-term development of the enterprise.

Partners must follow ten principles:

1、 Good faith principle

Partnership to make money, sincerity first, treat each other with sincerity, regardless of how your partner treats you! Be yourself first!

2、 Goal principle

Seek common ground and keep small differences! "Let small things go with them, don't be confused about big things, focus on common goals and values, and grasp the overall situation.".

3、 The principle of trust

Partners most taboo mutual suspicion, believe that at any time, only your partner can put the balance of interests on your side.

4、 The principle of tolerance

Only tolerance and understanding between each other can make the partnership go longer.

5、 Principle of losing

Eat more small losses yourself and let the other party take advantage. You know, there is no absolute fairness and rationality, only to make more contributions to your partners.

6、 Principles of communication

Do not do what you don't want to do to others, treat partners as sincere friends all the time, and don't use money as the bond of a cooperative relationship.

7、 Principle of fairness

My dear brother, please settle the accounts clearly. Don't be nice, I'm nice, everyone is nice. Finally, there are some unprincipled disputes.

8、 Principle of modesty

Look more at the advantages of others and less at their shortcomings; Learn from each other and improve together.

9、 Communication principles

Don't file a lawsuit, don't let them sleep over if you have any ideas, and communicate more.

10、 Adhere to principles

Dare to adhere to principles, use your life to defend the rules formulated jointly, and make every effort for your partners!

Wolf culture

What are the characteristics of wolves? Four words: wild, cruel, greedy, and violent. Cowardness is the fatal wound of a coward, and toughness is the assassin's mace of a strong man.

Wolf culture refers to the application of the characteristics of wolves such as their wildness, brutality, greed, and tyranny into team culture in a spirit of struggle.

"Wild" refers to the need for a non lethal spirit of struggle in work and career development;

When "disability" is used in work, it means to overcome and eliminate difficulties in work one by one without mercy;

"Greed" means being greedy for work and career, striving and exploring endlessly; "Violence" refers to being rude to one difficulty after another in the face of adversity at work, without the slightest hint of weakness or kindness.

Today's era is one in which competition is quite fierce, sometimes even in which you compete with each other. If an enterprise wants to develop, without this spirit of greed, cruelty, wildness, and violence, it will be hit head-to-head and defeated in the brutal enterprise competition.

From the perspective of the Jinyuan management team, especially the senior management, on the whole, they are conscientious, enduring humiliation, and hardworking, but they always appear to be conservative and cautious, with insufficient motivation and aggressiveness; "I have more than enough discipline and lack of spirit of struggle.". Therefore, in order for Jinyuan Group to remain invincible in the process of transformation and upgrading and maintain its enduring momentum of development, we particularly need to vigorously promote a wolf culture, face various challenges, and dare to be strong on the wave of wind and fire. Especially, everyone in the Jinyuan senior management team should have a bit of wolf spirit.

The wolf culture mainly has the following three characteristics:

1、 Has a keen sense of smell and is good at capturing opportunities.

On the prairie, wolves seem to be constantly watching their main target - sheep or flocks, peering at the movement of sheep and even the condition of shepherds. Whenever they have a chance, they immediately attack. Therefore, people often describe coveters as "wolf like eyes.". In the business world, from the development of the industry to the formulation of strategies, from price changes to the movements of competitors, there is also a constant need for this "seeing from all directions, hearing from all directions" wolf nature.

2、 Aggressive and aggressive, and not prone to failure.

When a wolf attacks a sheep, it often bites dead and won't give up easily. And the wolf is not just killing a full belly, but in the shortest time, it can lay down as much as it can. This aggressive, greedy, and persistent spirit also reflects the desperate attitude of many Chinese enterprises in their struggle for survival.

3、 Team spirit.

Wolves rarely appear alone and always fight in teams, which is why there is a saying that "tigers are afraid of wolves". In the increasingly competitive business world, the power of team spirit is increasingly valued, which is another reason why Chinese enterprises respect wolf culture.

If every employee has a bit of a wolf nature

So the team is a pack of wolves that go forward bravely

Crisis culture

Mencius said, "Born in sorrow, die in peace.". For enterprises, crisis is not an accident, but a necessity. In the process of survival and development, every enterprise will encounter many factors that affect or even interfere with the normal operation of the enterprise. If an enterprise's employees, especially senior executives, have been indulging in the past glory, without a sense of hardship and crisis spirit, blind and optimistic, conservative, and not enterprising, over time, they will lose their morale. The entire enterprise may become unaware of changes in its living environment, lose competitiveness, and eventually be eliminated by the market.

1. The potential crisis situation must be informed to all employees, with the aim of making employees feel threatened at any moment.

2. There must be a declaration that there will be no war or death, and other thoughts of employees must be cut off.

3. Employees must be inspired to be fearless, to work together at critical moments, and to unleash potential extraordinary energy.

4. We must find a breakthrough when the crisis comes, and let everyone believe that as long as we hold our strength, once it erupts, we will be able to break through the difficulties.